A significant number of authors have written about employee engagement. We’ve read and adopted some of the activities in them.

Photo by Farrel Nobel on Unsplash
Why are we not fully engaged to our work? It is because sometimes we fail to understand our responsibilities towards employee engagement. We have this believe that someone else has to motivate us.
Sometimes we think that it is our manager’s responsibility to motivate us. Your motivation should be your responsibility. Here are four simple ways that may help you boost your employee engagement.
Volunteer at Work
Why is volunteerism so important for employee engagement? When we volunteer, we feel happy. The happiness we experience from helping others boosts self-confidence, encourages participation and enhances performance.
When we are confident and happy, we feel proud of ourselves. Pride gives us the will-power of doing more, allowing us to contribute extra in the work environment.
By doing so, our level of performance is greatly enhanced and we present creative ideas through innovative activities. Make volunteerism a part of you job.
Learn a New Skill
Learning a new skill infuses the willingness of applying it. It encourages us to go to work wanting to showcase our new skill-set to our co-workers and managers. Learn and share with your subordinates.
Flashback to your childhood and remember when you learned a new and crazy skill. Did you want to show your friends, parents, and teachers your new skill? Learning new skills gives us the confidence to present more.
Offer Others Your Support
How many of you have felt you are not contributing your talents to the fullest? I am sure you’ve been there at a certain point of time and have felt helpless. If you haven’t experienced such a situation, good for you, but it may mean you are not working on your progress.
Why? Well, it is simple, we obtain several hidden talents that go unnoticed. They may range from being super creative and not expressing your thoughts; to having the ability to memorize important detail and not realizing it.
Sometimes we have hidden talents but have no chance of applying them due to our roles. We often are not aware that helping others can bring out our inner talents. Helping others can bring these talents to light.
Motivate Yourself
Quite frequently, we find ourselves asking how to to become self motivated. Often, we think that it is our manager’s responsibility to motivate us, yet sometimes, it is not. You need to find something at your work that makes you, feel happy.
Whether that is staying organized and on top of your game. It may be finding a solution to a problem, to simply putting a smile on someone’s face. Find what you can do at work that makes you happy.
As for me, I like to support others by volunteering in small committees. I lead committees that organized activities for employees and their families. Every time I volunteer, it makes me happy.
Discover what makes you happy and want to come to work. Motivation comes when there is happiness in what you do. When you are happy you build confidence, participation, and ultimately enhances your performances.
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