A significant number of people want to soar beyond their limits, but only a few make it. Why? One of the main reasons is that their daily habits do not help them.

Photo by Robert Zurfluh on Unsplash
When I was going to college for my undergraduate, I thought graduation was the pass to a promising career. Faced with reality I discovered that it was a different story to deal with to achieve the goal of landing a job.
It involved making connections, seeking advice, meeting new people, and getting out of my comfort zone. In the course of the past nine years of my career I have learned that if you want to soar like an eagle, you have to change some habits and avoid some things in your life.
To help you start your journey, here is list of four things you need to change or avoid.
Let Go the Crab: A motivational speaker, Jim Rohn once said that we are an average of the five people we spend most of our time with. Some people might not like to see you succeed. They will do anything in their power to keep you at their level. Your time is valuable; use it to do what matters the most.
Instead of spending time with those who will drain your energy; spend it reading books, with your family, good friends, learning a new task, and working on your life goals. Try to connect with those who will add value to your life.
Have a Positive Attitude: A positive attitude will set you apart from the rest. When things do not go your way do not complain or build a negative attitude. Take any setback as a learning opportunity; it will attract more positive people into your life.
Negativity will only create a bad character that will limit your ability to soar like an eagle. You can stop being negative to others around you or not be posting negative comments on the social media.
The social media has made it simple to post our ideas to the world to read. Unfortunately, most of us use it to pass negative information to others. Just be careful when you post something on the social media, it might impact you negatively.
Seek Support from Others: Our pride sometimes drives us to think we know it all. Therefore, limits our abilities to explore more ideas and avenues of growth. Instead of being the know it all guy, be humble and ready to learn from others. No matter what task it might be, someone has done it before you.
Sometimes the answers we look for might be something simple that we’ve missed. Do not get me wrong and go around asking anybody for answers, use your judgment and ask only those whom you trust.
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: How many of you have heard this before? “I have done it this way and have been successful every time.” If you are like me, you have heard this many times.
“Yes” it works, but there might be better ways. Instead of settling on what you have done and keep doing, push the bar higher. You might discover better ways that could benefit you.
You are missing opportunities when you settle for what you already have. Take the step of getting out of your comfort zone.
Question: What else would you do to soar like an eagle? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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