You’ve worked for the same company in the same position for many years hoping for a promotion but couldn’t get one. To make matter worse, your manager has promoted those who came after you.

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Then you ask yourself, “What have I done wrong?” The answer is simple, “You’ve done nothing wrong.” All what you needed is to take some few steps to win your promotion.
A good number of us will not get the promotion we’ve been hoping to get. We aren’t taking the right steps to win it. In my career, I’ve learned that we can only get what we want if we prepare for it.
Before we jump into action, we need to know what blocks us from getting promoted. Here is a list of the primary blockers of career promotion.
We are Sleeping in a Comfort Zone: We fill safe and comfortable in what we do; therefore, don’t show our employers that we are hungry for more.
We are Only Doing the Norm: A good number of us come to work, do the daily routine, and go home without doing anything out of the ordinary.
We are Not Developing Ourselves: Some of us will have a chance to develop themselves but take no action. Managers want to promote people who are willing to learn.
These three aren’t the only reasons why people do not get promoted. There are other reasons why they aren’t getting promoted, but the above mentioned three are the popular ones. To get the promotion you hope for, here is a list of what you need to prepare for it.
Do Your Best in Your Current Role
If you have a job, do your best as if it is your last one. Even when you are actively looking for or developing yourself for the next job, don’t lose focus on the current one. Don’t be more attached to what you don’t have yet. It may lead to bad performance.
Amplify What You are Doing Right
Discover what you are doing right and do more of it. Career mentors often tell us to find our weaknesses and fix them. There is nothing wrong with that; the only setback is that it may drain your energy from shining on your strengths. Know your weaknesses, discover a way to avoid them, but work more on your strengths.
Do more Than What is Expected
The Daily routine is not enough to win a promotion or the heart of a new employer. Do something out of the ordinary, even if nobody asks. Look for voluntary or other opportunities to do more than your regular job.Whenever you volunteer for a project, add it to your resume.
Find and Focused on Developmental Goals
Managers want to see their employees develop themselves. You need to show them that you are willing to take on new opportunities by learning something new. Development will open other doors for you. It doesn’t have to be something big, you just want to show your employer your eagerness.
Connect with Others Out of Your Circle
What good does it make if you only stayed close to like-minded people? It may not help you learn and do things differently. Break away from the norms and do something extraordinary to win the heart of your manager to promote you. Reaching out to others may help you learn more and connect to people who may be interested in you.
Discuss Your Career Goals With Your Manager
A manager might give you the path to your promotion. Ask for options and what you can do to prepare for your next step. Don’t just go to your manager and ask for a promotion, it doesn’t work that way. As a driving force, you must to control of yourself development. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Question: What else could you do to gain a job promotion?
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