7 Secrets of People Who Crush Their New Year’s Resolution

How long have you kept your new year’s resolution? Surprisingly, only 75% of new year’s resolution makes it through the first week.

Photo by NORTHFOLK on Unsplash

Numerous studies have shown that less than %25 of people stay committed to their new year’s resolution after the first month of the year. Sadly, only %8 of those committed to their resolutions accomplish them. What about the rest?

Without a doubt, they have abandoned their new year’s resolution. Many will claim that they lack the time to work on their resolution. Others have abandoned their new year’s resolution due to lack of execution plan.

Most of all, they will get frustrated because they are not seeing results. Besides, the lack of commitment also plays a big role. On the other hand, let see what people who crush their new year’s resolution do differently.

They are Clear About What They Want to Accomplish

Those who stay committed to the new year’s resolution are clear about what they want. They always have a plan of attache. Instead of listing all that they want to accomplish, they develop goals.

Why goals? Goals keep them in check to achieve what they desire. A goal is clearer than a new year’s resolution. Sometimes, new year’s resolution becomes a wish list if we don’t develop a plan to attach it.

They Connect their New Year’s Resolution to a Higher Purpose

If you really want to accomplish something, you must connect it to a high purpose. People who crush their new year’s resolution always find a reason why they want to accomplish it. Imagine how your life would be different when you accomplish that goal?

On the other hand, a purpose, also keeps them going when they think about quitting. It gives them the motivation to keep pushing on. Sometimes we get stuck when we are not motivated.

They Detail their Plan of Attack

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a famous French writer once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” People who succeed with their new year’s resolution detail the plan they’ll use to accomplish their resolution.

Instead of writing a list of all what you want to achieve. Break it into goals and define the plan you need for each one. That will make it easy for you to tackle each goal.

They Hold Themselves Accountable

It is a human’s nature to point their blame elsewhere when they fail. But those who achieve their goals hold themselves accountable. They pursue their goals knowing that it is on them no matter what.

They hold themselves accountable and strive to achieve your goals. If you don’t achieve it the first time, make some changes and start all over. Do not quit if you don’t get it right the first time, take it as a learning opportunity.

They Develop a Habit of Doing

Obviously, most of the people who achieve their new year’s resolution are those who speak less about it. They take actions, and their actions speak louder. Instead of talking about the new year’s resolution their work on it.

Talking is not going to take you anywhere; take bold actions on your new year resolution. Let your actions speak about your resolution. People will know what you have been working on when they see results.

They Track their Progress

People who crush their new year’s resolution have a way of tracking their progress. They also celebrate their wins over small successes; it doesn’t have to be a big celebration. By celebrating, they keep their momentum.

There are many tools you can use to track your progress. Select the one that best meets your need. You will discover that tracking your progress significantly helps.

They Don’t Stop Until they Win

One thing the new year’s resolution crushers have in common is the habit of not giving up. They may face challenges, but always find a way to overcome those challenges. They don’t waste time; they keep on moving.

Those who succeed in life pick themselves up and continue their journey when they stumble. You too can develop that habit of not giving up. Spend time to plan and work on your goals.

Question: What else can you do to stay focused to achieve your new year’s resolution?

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