Sometimes we craft powerful goals but fail to achieve them. Imagine, you’ve spent your time planning your goals but got stuck.

Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash
Trust me, setting a goal is fun, but staying focused to accomplish it is so hard. Why is it so hard to stay focused? There are many distractions we face on a daily basis.
Okay, now that we know there are going to be some obstacle, how should we get rid of them? There is no way you can get rid of them, but there is always a way we can work around them.
Clearly Write Your Goal Down
The first thing you need to do is to clearly write your goals down. Writing down what you want to achieve gives you clarity of actions. It will be difficult to continue hammering your goal if your tasks are not clear enough.
Spend sometime when crafting your goal. I am not asking you to get everything perfect; perfectionism is a giant goal killer. Most importantly, start working on the goal instead of wasting time to make it perfect.
Accept There Will be Obstacles
I know this is not what you wanted to hear. Most of us would like to accomplish their goals smoothly. If you are one of those who think that way, this is a bad news for you.
I encourage you to embrace obstacles. Why should you do that? They help you to think out of the box and do things better than what you’d planned.
List 3 Possible Obstacles
What are your possible obstacles? For me as a blogger, my first obstacle would be not having enough time to write. Another obstacle might be that nobody would read my articles.
No matter what goal you are working on, there is an obstacle you’d think about. List at least three of those obstacles. Do not spend time writing all sorts of obstacles, three would be enough.
Find Suitable Solution for Obstacles
Once you find your possible obstacles, make an effort to find their solutions and write them down. I have said this multiple times already; writing everything down helps you to remember them.
Start with your biggest possible obstacle to the smallest. Why should I start with the biggest one? If you can solve a bigger problem, the rest will be simple.
Imagine Yourself Cruising Past Those Obstacles
Here comes a time where you need to imagine yourself cruising past those obstacles. It gives you the motivation you need to accomplish your goal. What good does it make if you’re stuck?
Use the power of positive thinking to achieve what you want. The brain is so powerful in a way that we don’t sometimes understand. We only get what we focus our brain and energy on.
Commit to Achieving Your Goal
Bring everything together, what is missing? Focus. If we don’t direct our focus to what we want to accomplish, there is no way we are going to accomplish it.
Commit yourself to achieving your goal. Whether you have scheduled an hour or 4 hours to work on your goal daily; respect that plan and fully commit yourself to achieve that goal.
Question: What else can you do to become a better goal achiever? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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