Most of us struggle when it comes to trying to become a better morning person. It can be achieved but requires some discipline.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash
Before you become a morning person, think about its benefits for you. As a morning person, you may gain more hours than others who wake up a little later.
What do most successful people have in common? They have a habit of waking up before everyone else. When you wake up early, you are free of your daily activities, therefore; could perform at your highest energy level.
What does it take to become a better morning person? There are some disciplines you must learn first. These disciplines must become your daily habits. Here are some practices you can embrace to change today.
Go to Bed at The Same Time Every Night
To become a better morning person, you must build a habit of going to bed at the same time. Why is it so valuable? You must sleep for the same amount of hours, so your body adjusts to the system.
Make it a priority to sleep for at least six hours a night. Sleeping less than that will not help you to create a proper morning ritual. Your body needs to rest and rejuvenate to take care of the morning rush.
Pick Your Clothing for the Next Morning
One aspect of being a morning person is to free up your mind for most important decisions. What to wear is one of those decisions. How many times have to awaken in the morning not knowing what to wear for the day?
It has happened to me on multiple occasions. I woke up in the morning not knowing what to wear. It takes a considerable amount of time to pick what you want to wear. Choosing your clothing the night before frees your time in the morning.
Place Your Alarm Clock Far from Your Bed
Most people press the snooze button when the alarm goes off, don’t be one of them. It comes natural to press the snooze button when the alarm goes off. Create an environment that won’t easily allow you to do that.
Place your alarm clock far away from your bed. This act won’t allow you to press the snooze button when it goes off. Be mindful of others who might be sharing the room with you though.
Use the 5 Seconds Rule to Jump Out of Bed
Studies have shown that human’s brain takes 5 seconds to make a right decision. If you wait more than 5 seconds, you may not take the right decision. Make it a priority to use the 5 seconds rule to decide to jump out of your bed.
Once you decide to jump out of bed, take action right away. Any delay might lead to staying in bed for few more minutes, especially if you set your alarm at a low volume. Decide and jump out of bed to start your day.
Exercise for at Least Ten Minutes
Exercise is so important for our bodies. Make it a habit to exercise when you wake up in the morning. It doesn’t have to be something extra-ordinary. You can do something like stretching or even walking.
Exercising will keep the blood flow. It will help your brain to be fresh and active to take on your daily activities. It will also help you to stay focused on your tasks.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Before you embark on your daily journey, prepare yourself a good breakfast. Your body needs the energy to start the day. Don’t make a mistake of starting your day without a healthy breakfast.
What is the first thing most people do in the morning? They either check their cellphones, morning news or turn their computers on to start the day. Don’t check any of these things before having your breakfast.
What else could you do to become a better morning person?
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