If asked today, everyone will answer that they want to be a better version of themselves. What we forgot is that we must take bold actions to become that better person we want to be.

Photo by Daniel Corneschi on Unsplash
So what do you need to do to become a better person? The answer to this question varies depending on circumstances. Based on where you are in life, you may answer this question differently.
A good number of people may need a lot of work and some may need small tweaks. It may involve pieces of training, going to workshops or having a personal development coach. It all goes back to where you are in your life.
Meanwhile, there are habits that you can develop to become a better version of you. These habits are simple to develop but require a will and commitment to building. Developing a new habit is difficult, but it is doable.
Be Teachable to Become Better
To become a better person, you must first drop the habit of know it all. Have you ever talked to someone who seems to know all the answers? I have spoken to people with this attitude on several occasions.
Before you even complete your question, they have already formulated an answer. This habit will not allow us to grow, we all can learn something from each other. Be teachable; nobody knows everything and nobody knows nothing.
Be Accountable for Your Mistakes
We all make mistakes sometimes; it is just part of life. Those who say they don’t make mistakes are liars. What can you do when you make a mistake?
It is a matter of time before you make a mistake. When you make one, own it. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes instead of passing blame to others because something didn’t go right.
Invest Time and Money on Yourself
There are numerous ways you can use to develop yourself. Do not feel shy to spend time and money to develop yourself. No one is going to do it for you but you.
You can find a life coach that will teach you what you want to know. I understand that can come with an expense. Start with those around you, you may find someone willing to support you without a cost.
Confront Reality Head-On
Sometimes, life will knock you down. Don’t give up on your dreams because life has given you hard times. We all go through difficult times in our lifespan.
Take any adversity as an opportunity to grow. Learn how to become stronger when dealing with difficulties in your life. There is always something to learn during those times of hardship.
Make Sacrifices for Your Betterment
You can’t have it all, there must be something to sacrifice. The question is, “What should you sacrifice?” The answer to this question varies from person to person and from situation to situation.
Look into your daily activities, what is it that don’t serve you or your life goal. Take some time to decide on what you want to cut off. Once you decide, take action right away before you change your mind
Be Transparent When Dealing with Others
Most people like a person who is transparent. When you open your mouth to talk, make it easy for everybody to understand you. Don’t make it difficult for others to understand your message.
Unless you are talking to a group of Ph.D. holders, talk in terms that a normal person in the room could understand your message. Your message with pass through and your audience will get the right stuff.
Be Patient When Listening to Others
How many times have you drawn your conclusion before the other person hasn’t completed their point? This happens a lot nowadays; people tend to not listen. They often work on crafting their answer when the other person is speaking.
Learn how to listen with intent. Understand what the other person is trying to say before you say anything. Let them finish their point of view before you make your conclusion.
Respect Other’s Opinion
It doesn’t make the other person wrong just because you disagree with opinions. Sometimes, we have different opinions on a given subject. Make it okay to disagree with others.
So what can you do when you disagree with someone else? Respect their opinion even if you believe it is not right. No, I am not saying that you should accept it; respect it but work hard to compromise.
Control Your Talk in a Group Setting
Have you ever been in a situation where there was one person who dominated the talk? It happens that one person would talk and talk without respecting others feelings. Sometimes, they think they are funny.
You don’t want to be that person who annoys others. Be calm and talk when it is your turn or when necessary. Be certain that when you open your mouth your rock the environment.
Be Open to Criticism
Some criticisms are good for you. I am not saying that you should accept criticism from a jerk; a jerk will be a jerk. A positive criticism is good for self-development.
When criticized, study the situation and make changes if necessary. Be open-minded and use that opportunity to better yourself. You might befit from criticism in one way or other.
Be Slow to Pass Judgment to Others
Sometimes, people judge others before even knowing their circumstances. Be slow in passing judgment, know the circumstances. Even when you know it, be kind and lift that person.
Judgment will not make you better than the other person. Make it an act of compassion to support others instead of destroying them. Put yourself in their place, would you like to be judged?
Question: What else can you do today to better yourself?
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