Perfectionism is a Giant Goal Killer

Perfectionism changes tactics each time it approaches!

Perfectionism is a big liar who comes in different ways. It approaches each time differently; changing tricks until you buy in.


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I’ve delayed my blog Website launch several times. Each time I tried, I hit a roadblock that hindered launch date. If I only knew by then that the reason for the delay was perfectionism, I would’ve taken a different approach.

The reason why we are unable to notice perfectionism is because it changes tactics each time it approaches. Most of these tactics come positively. Pay close attention to these lies perfectionism will tell you.

Your Idea is Pre-Mature

How many times have you had a great idea but had to put it aside? Perfectionism will tell you that your idea is pre-matured and will take you nowhere, you need to put more thought into it. That is a lie!

Yes, you need to put a little thought into what you want to do; but make no mistake to overthink. What happens when you overthink? You develop an imaginary roadblock, start to lose interest and quit that idea.

Put a little thought into it, do not spend most of your time thinking. Take action on your ideas and make adjustments in the process. Make it okay to fail, but fail into success.

You Can Do Better Than This

Sometimes, our ego makes us think that we can do better than what we are thinking. It is true that we can do better if we work harder and smarter. The problem is that our ego will not even allow us to start working on our ideas.

It gives us a false truth about our abilities. If you listen to your ego, you will not be able to start anything. Each time you’ll try to start something, your ego will scream at you, “Is this all that you got?”

Do not fall for that lie; surely, there’s always a better way. Those who do things better are the ones who take the risk and start anyways. Be a “No matter what person” and start working on your ideas before your ego screams at you.

What if People Don’t Like It

Perfectionism will give you a false thought that everyone on the plant must be approve your ideas. Yes, you want people’s approval; especially if you are developing a product for them. That will help to improve the product.

It is dangerous to assume that people will not like your idea before you even start working on it. Don’t get stuck and do nothing. That is not the way you want to approach your ideas.

Seek people’s opinions all the time, and you will do nothing at all. You may seek ideas but do not make it the core of your decision. Some people may not even want to see you succeed.

Wait for the Perfect Time

Timing is a good thing when you are building a product to sell. When it comes to personal goals, time does not matter that much. You can start working on your goal any time you want.

More often, perfectionism will tell you that it is not the perfect for you to start working on your goal. It may lie to you that you do not have enough time, wait until you finish another project first. Most people fall for that and wait for the perfect time that may not come.

You have all the time you need to work on a goal. What you need to do is set your priorities right; you’ll make time for it. Think about it, we all have 24 hours a day. Why do some people succeed and some not?

Question: What are other perfectionism lies?

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