What Would You Do If You Lose Your Job Today?

A good number of people think that they are secured, and it won’t happen to them. The truth of the matter is that anyone can lose a job any time because of any reason.

Do Over


You might make a mistake that your employer may not forgive you for it. They may also be down-sizing. There are many reasons why you could lose your job. Are you prepared for when it happens?

Most of us are not prepared for that day. I was in the same bucket until I read Do Over,  a book written by Jon Acuff. This book gave me the directions to take control in case this situation happens to me.

The book introduced me to what Jon calls the “Career Savings Account (CSA)”. What is Career Savings Account? Here is the equation (CSA = Relationship + Skills + Character + Hustle).


Who do you know that may help you get up on your feet if you lose your job today? A relationship is so important if you want to recover faster. Connect with people who may help you when you fall.

How do you connect with these people? Offer support to others when they need it. Build a good relationship with people who are in better positions than you are. Find those who may have more connections.

Apart from connecting with new people, Jon also suggests not to burn bridges with your old employers. Why not? You may need them back on a rainy day.


Jon encourages us to sharpen the skills we already have and learn new ones as well. Discover what you are good at and make it better. Master the can do attitude and embrace the learning habits.

Be humble by letting your boss know when you don’t have the answers they are searching. Jon stated that he likes the moment where he looks at everyone and says, “I have no idea how to do this, let’s figure it out.”

The bottom line is to keep it simple. Take your time to sharpen your skills; do not rush. Keep a steady growth with a mindset of breaking the glass ceiling in the future.


What will you gain if you do not have a character even if you had good relationships and skills set? It takes some time to build a character, so be it. If you want to gain more respect, be a servant of your community. Being the servant may help you gain more respect from others.

Be a servant, but weary of those who would take your advantage. Evaluate the situation before you jump in to help. Ask them questions before you start helping them; chances are they already have the answer they are looking for.

Praise those who have done something good. Be present and close to the action when needed. By showing empathy, you may gain rewards.


Jon says, “Grit is a choice, not a feeling.” Sometimes, we feel like we don’t have what it take to hustle. Fear not, you already have what it takes to push yourself through.

Take time to discover what you want to hustle on before your embark on the journey. There are numerous ways to hustle, but be wise and chose the ones that will pay off.

You also need to determine the right time to hustle. Be flexible and able to change your hustle topic if it doesn’t work well for you. Remember that your hustling may not function for all situations.

Question: What else would you do if you lose your job today?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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